PCWC Management Committee

Peter Cowan Writers Centre Inc (PCWC) is a proudly independent, member-led organisation. Since our inception, we have always been led by writers, for writers. Our committee is passionate about creating opportunities within the writing industry for our members and the wider creative community. PCWC always welcomes anyone who is interested in contributing their skills to the centre.

Sharon Leahy


Sharon Leahy is a writer based in Perth, Western Australia. Her experimental work explores mythical, feminine, historical and metaphysical themes through new and inventive forms of writing. She utilises a multi-disciplinary practice of blending visual art and the written word, and is currently working on a collage novel. Sharon holds a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing.

Kay Cairns


Kay Cairns is a Perth-based poet and teacher. She won the Tom Collins Poetry Prize in 2004 and her work has been published in the literary journal Quadrant, as well as several Australian anthologies. In 2024, her debut collection Between Two Skies was published by Walleah Press. Her collection Looking for the River was shortlisted by both 5 Islands Press and Flying Islands Press. Kay is the convenor of PCWC’s poetry group.

David Allan-Petale

Grants & Partnerships Manager

David Allan-Petale is a writer from Perth/Boorloo whose debut novel Locust Summer was shortlisted for The Australian/Vogel’s Literary Award (2017), shortlisted for the 2021 WA Premier’s Book Awards, and longlisted for the Australian Literature Society's Gold Medal for an outstanding literary work. David worked for many years as a journalist in Western Australia with the ABC and internationally with BBC World. He is a regular host for the online Libby Book Club for WA and a moderator for literary festivals and events.

Shelley Timms

Strategy & Statistics Officer

Shelley is an emerging writer based in Boorloo (Perth). She has been published by Nightmare Fuel Magazine, KSP Writers Centre and was a Love to Read Local Week flash fiction shortlistee. Shelley was a judge for the Aurealis Awards Horror Short Story category in 2023.

Madison Payne

Digital Marketing Manager

Madison is a multi-disciplinary creative born and raised in Perth, Western Australia. She is experienced in digital content creation & social media management. Outside of her digital marketing pursuits, she has a keen interest in writing and photography. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Film Production from SAE University College. Madison is passionate about making art a sustainable pathway for the creative minds in our community. 

Petrina Krasevac

Memberships Manager

Jonathan Catling

Convenor - The Short Storyists

Committee positions currently available:

  • President

  • Vice-President

  • Treasurer

  • One additional committee member

Please contact petercowanwriterscentre@outlook.com if you are interested in joining our team. Please note: all positions are voluntary.

Additional Contributors

Prof. Katya Johanson - ECU Liaison (appointed by ECU’s School of Arts and Humanities)

Glen Phillips - Honorary Committee Member

Tess Woods - Co-opted Committee Member (Founder and Director of the Festival of Fiction)


Ivy Bazley - F.O.H at workshops & events, Beta Reading Group convenor

Trine Larsen - Graphics and Design, Peter Cowan 600 Word Short Story Competition manager

Sue Braghieri - Writing Matters! Competitions Editor

Ally Millington - The Life Writers Group Convenor

Gary Rubidge - The Writers Group Convenor

Julie Bowyer - The Writers Group Convenor

Sophie Payne - House Management & Organisation

The Peter Cowan Writers Centre is a member of the Institute of Community Directors Australia.

Growing writing, literature and stories